Global Custodian magazine's respected annual Hedge Fund Administration Survey is an established and respected industry benchmark of the quality of service provided by fund administrators. The 2016 edition of the survey received more than 1,000 responses on over 30 different administrators. Trident Trust was not only recognised as a Global Outperfomer but also as an Outperfomer in four specific categories (European clients, macro managers, North American clients, small clients). In addition, although Global Custodian does not provide a league table ranking of the scores in its survey, Trident Trust beat the global market average score in every single category, received the third highest overall score of any administrator and also earned the highest for relationship management. Client quotes published in the survey include:
"The team… is incredibly responsive and a dramatic improvement over a prior administrator, which often refused to even try and help us when we had a problem. We are 100% satisfied."
"The services provided by the US based Trident Fund Services office we utilise has been outstanding in every way. They treat our relationship as a true partnership versus merely being a service provider. They are extremely competent."
"We continue to be very pleased with the service we receive from the team in Atlanta"
"Trident administrators with whom I have worked have always been extremely professional and knowledgeable. I would recommend their services to anyone!"